UartTransferV20 Design Sheet

UartTransferV20 Design Sheet

STM32串口烧录BIN/HEX文件 设计书

@author firestaradmin 2021年6月16日


0 Brief

UartTransfer Lib is for transfering data by UART, and it is all programmed in C.

Can use in embeded-device or other C application.

1 Protocol Frame Format

1.1 Frame Format

{<Frame head: 2Byte> <Command: 1Byte> <Lenth: 2Byte> <Data: xByte> <BCC: 1Byte> <Frame tail: 2Byte>}

Byte Index Content (HEX) Details
BYTE 1 0xC5 Frame head
BYTE 2 0x5C Frame head
BYTE 3 Command byte
BYTE 4 Data lenth MSB [uint16_t : 8-15bit]
BYTE 5 Data lenth LSB [uint16_t : 0-7bit]
Concrete data (if is zero, the frame can have no data.)
Concrete data (if is zero, the frame can have no data.)
BYTE N-2 The XOR of all bytes except the head and the tail of frame and the BCC code self.
BYTE N-1 0x5A Frame tail
BYTE N 0xA5 Frame tail

    Command byte decides the type and the content of the frame.

    Command byte Meaning note
    0x00 Data Represent the contnet of the farme is the data of the BIN file which will be transfered.
    0x01 Transfer begin Represent the BIN file is going to be transfered.
    0x02 Transfer end Represent the BIN file is finished to be transfered.
    0x03 reserved
    0xFF ACK of client Each time the client receives a frame of data, it needs to return an ACK.


    Lenth is a uint16_t variable, which is the lenth of the data in the frame. Unit: Byte, Big endian.

    If is equal zero, it indicates the frame has no data.

  • DATA

    Data is the data of the BIN file which will be transfered.

  • BCC Code

    The BCC code is used to verify the frame received is correct.

    BCC is the XOR of all bytes except the head and the tail of frame and the BCC code self.

    sample: a frame is C5 5C 00 00 04 AA BB CC DD XX 5A A5 , the XX term is BCC Code.

    XX = 00 ^ 00 ^ 04 ^ AA ^ BB ^ CC ^ DD = 0x04

1.2 Begin Frame Sample

Begin Frame has a 4 bytes data which indicate that the offset position of the BIN file will be stored in. Unit: Byte, Big endian.

sample: The file is to be stored at 0xF00 offset position of SPI-Flash.

The Frame: C5 5C 01 00 04 00 00 0F 00 0A 5A A5

1.3 End Frame Sample

End Frame has no data, so the of the frame is 0.

sample: Indicate the file has been transfered.

The Frame: C5 5C 02 00 00 02 5A A5

1.4 Transfer data Frame Sample

Data Frame has uncertain lenth data.

smaple: Transfer 10 Byte data: [ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A ]

The Frame: C5 5C 00 00 0A 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 5A A5

1.5 ACK Frame Sample

When the client has received a frame, it need to return an ACK Frame.

The of ACK Frame is 0xFF, and the is fixed at 0x0002 that indicates data just two byte.

The first byte of data is COMMAND which be responded, and the second byte of data is processing result ().

    <PROCESS RESULT> describe
    0x00 OK
    0x01 Frame verify error
    0x02 Internal storage full error
    0xFF Unkown error

sample: The ACK to Transfer begin command, and the client processs it OK.

The Frame: C5 5C FF 00 02 01 00 FC 5A A5