
@firestaradmin 2020年10月16日22:10:34

UVGUI 动态内存分配实现原理



UVGUI的动态内存管理,是通过一个入口结构体进行管理和分配,其内存块由 ug_mem_ent_t 结构体表示。定义如下:

#define MEM_UNIT uint32_t

/*The size of this union must be 4 bytes (uint32_t)*/
typedef union {
    struct {
        MEM_UNIT used : 1;    /* 1: if the entry is used*/
        MEM_UNIT d_size : 31; /* Size off the data (in bytes)*/
    } s;
    MEM_UNIT header; /* The header (used + d_size)*/
} ug_mem_header_t;

typedef struct {
    ug_mem_header_t header;
    uint8_t first_data; /*First data byte in the allocated data (Just for easily create a pointer)*/
} ug_mem_ent_t;

其中 有一些定义:

  • MEM_UNIT 为内存最小单位,主要根据系统位数决定。如32位系统一般使用uint32_t。

  • ug_mem_header_t 联合为内存头信息。表示该内存块是否被使用以及内存块大小。

  • ug_mem_ent_t 为内存块的入口结构体,其包含一个内存头信息,和一个char类型的变量first_datafirst_data只是为了方便创建指针指向内存块储存区域的首地址。



UVGUI的内存是一块一块的,每一块内存的起始处,有一个头信息union header 来表示该内存块是否被使用,已经该内存块的大小。

系统刚开始运行,没有申请过内存,则整个内存池就是一个内存块,该内存块的头信息的used 属性为0,表示未被使用,d_sized 属性为整个内存池的大小减去头信息的大小,即为内存池可用空间。


初始化函数 void _ug_mem_init(void);

  1. 申请一个指定大小的数组,用于分配内存块。

  2. 用work_mem指针储存内存池的首地址,用变量mem_max_size追踪内存堆中申请过的最大内存大小。

    #if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
        static uint8_t * work_mem;
    #if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
        static uint32_t mem_max_size; /*Tracks the maximum total size of memory ever used from the internal heap*/
  3. 初始化内存池的首个入口,将used属性设为0,并且更新内存池可用大小至首个入口的d_size属性中。

 * Initialize the dyn_mem module (work memory and other variables)
void _ug_mem_init(void)
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    /*Allocate a large array to store the dynamically allocated data*/
    static UG_MEM_ATTR MEM_UNIT work_mem_int[UG_MEM_SIZE / sizeof(MEM_UNIT)];
    work_mem = (uint8_t *)work_mem_int;
    mem_max_size = 0;

    ug_mem_ent_t * full = (ug_mem_ent_t *)work_mem;
    full->header.s.used = 0;
    /*The total mem size id reduced by the first header and the close patterns */
    full->header.s.d_size = UG_MEM_SIZE - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t);

三、API 接口



 * Allocate a memory dynamically
 * @param size size of the memory to allocate in bytes
 * @return pointer to the allocated memory
void * ug_mem_alloc(size_t size)
    if(size == 0) {
        return &zero_mem;

#ifdef UG_ARCH_64
    /*Round the size up to 8*/
    size = (size + 7) & (~0x7);
    /*Round the size up to 4*/
    size = (size + 3) & (~0x3);
    void * alloc = NULL;

#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    /*Use the built-in allocators*/
    ug_mem_ent_t * e = NULL;

    /* Search for a appropriate entry*/
    do {
        /* Get the next entry*/
        e = ent_get_next(e);

        /*If there is next entry then try to allocate there*/
        if(e != NULL) {
            alloc = ent_alloc(e, size);
        /* End if there is not next entry OR the alloc. is successful*/
    } while(e != NULL && alloc == NULL);

#endif                /* UG_MEM_CUSTOM */

    if(alloc == NULL) {
        //TODO: LOG("Couldn't allocate memory");
    else {
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
        /* just a safety check, should always be true */
        if((uintptr_t) alloc > (uintptr_t) work_mem) {
            if((((uintptr_t) alloc - (uintptr_t) work_mem) + size) > mem_max_size) {
                mem_max_size = ((uintptr_t) alloc - (uintptr_t) work_mem) + size;

    return alloc;

void * ug_mem_alloc(size_t size) 函数申请指定大小的内存块,先将大小四字节对齐(32位系统下),然后申请一个入口结构体指针e,循环使用e = ent_get_next(e) 获取下一个入口地址,然后在ent_alloc 这个函数中做真正的内存申请,直到找不到一下个入口或者成功申请到内存。

判断内存块是否被使用和大小是否足够,是在ent_alloc 这个函数中判断的,具体请继续往下看。

ent_get_next 函数如下:

 * Give the next entry after 'act_e'
 * @param act_e pointer to an entry
 * @return pointer to an entry after 'act_e'
static ug_mem_ent_t * ent_get_next(ug_mem_ent_t * act_e)
    ug_mem_ent_t * next_e = NULL;

    if(act_e == NULL) { /*NULL means: get the first entry*/
        next_e = (ug_mem_ent_t *)work_mem;
    else {   /*Get the next entry */
        uint8_t * data = &act_e->first_data;
        next_e         = (ug_mem_ent_t *)&data[act_e->header.s.d_size];

        if(&next_e->first_data >= &work_mem[UG_MEM_SIZE]) next_e = NULL;

    return next_e;


ent_alloc 函数如下:

 * Try to do the real allocation with a given size
 * @param e try to allocate to this entry
 * @param size size of the new memory in bytes
 * @return pointer to the allocated memory or NULL if not enough memory in the entry
static void * ent_alloc(ug_mem_ent_t * e, size_t size)
    void * alloc = NULL;
    /*If the memory is free and big enough then use it */
    if(e->header.s.used == 0 && e->header.s.d_size >= size) {
        /*Truncate the entry to the desired size */
        ent_trunc(e, size);
        e->header.s.used = 1;

        /*Save the allocated data*/
        alloc = &e->first_data;

    return alloc;

判断该内存块入口是否被使用以及大小是否足够用于申请内存,如果满足条件,则使用函数ent_trunc() 函数将此入口截断,然后返回申请的内存的储存首地址(即该内存块的头信息后的用户真正可以使用的储存首地址)。如果不满足条件,则返回NULL;

ent_trunc() 函数如下:

 * Truncate the data of entry to the given size
 * @param e Pointer to an entry
 * @param size new size in bytes
static void ent_trunc(ug_mem_ent_t * e, size_t size)

#ifdef UG_ARCH_64
    /*Round the size up to 8*/
    size = (size + 7) & (~0x7);
    /*Round the size up to 4*/
    size = (size + 3) & (~0x3);

    /*Don't let empty space only for a header without data. 
    if(e->header.s.d_size == size + sizeof(ug_mem_header_t)) {
        size = e->header.s.d_size;

    /* Create the new entry after the current if there is space for it */
    if(e->header.s.d_size != size) {
        uint8_t * e_data             = &e->first_data;
        ug_mem_ent_t * after_new_e   = (ug_mem_ent_t *)&e_data[size];
        after_new_e->header.s.used   = 0;
        after_new_e->header.s.d_size = (uint32_t)e->header.s.d_size - size - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t);

    /* Set the new size for the original entry */
    e->header.s.d_size = (uint32_t)size;






 * Free an allocated data
 * @param data pointer to an allocated memory
void ug_mem_free(const void * data)
    if(data == &zero_mem) return;
    if(data == NULL) return;

    _ug_memset((void *)data, 0xbb, _ug_mem_get_size(data));

#if UG_ENABLE_GC == 0
    /*e points to the header*/
    ug_mem_ent_t * e = (ug_mem_ent_t *)((uint8_t *)data - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t));
    e->header.s.used = 0;

#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0

    static uint16_t full_defrag_cnt = 0;
    if(full_defrag_cnt < UG_MEM_FULL_DEFRAG_CNT) {
        /* Make a simple defrag.
         * Join the following free entries after this*/
        ug_mem_ent_t * e_next;
        e_next = ent_get_next(e);
        while(e_next != NULL) {
            if(e_next->header.s.used == 0) {
                e->header.s.d_size += e_next->header.s.d_size + sizeof(e->header);
            else {
            e_next = ent_get_next(e_next);
    else {
        full_defrag_cnt = 0;



#else /*Use custom, user defined free function*/
    #if UG_ENABLE_GC == 0
        UG_MEM_CUSTOM_FREE((void *)data);
    #endif /*UG_ENABLE_GC*/

主体内容先获取改内存块的入口地址,将used 属性设为0,表示未被使用。

    _ug_memset((void *)data, 0xbb, _ug_mem_get_size(data));


    static uint16_t full_defrag_cnt = 0;
    if(full_defrag_cnt < UG_MEM_FULL_DEFRAG_CNT) {
        /* Make a simple defrag.
         * Join the following free entries after this*/
        ug_mem_ent_t * e_next;
        e_next = ent_get_next(e);
        while(e_next != NULL) {
            if(e_next->header.s.used == 0) {
                e->header.s.d_size += e_next->header.s.d_size + sizeof(e->header);
            else {
            e_next = ent_get_next(e_next);
    else {
        full_defrag_cnt = 0;


用静态变量full_defrag_cnt 统计释放过的内存块数,如果次数小于宏UG_MEM_FULL_DEFRAG_CNT 则执行简单的块合并 (即碎片整理),如果超过,则执行函数ug_mem_defrag()


ug_mem_defrag() 会合并整个内存池中所有相连的可用内存块, 如下:

 * Join the adjacent free memory blocks
void ug_mem_defrag(void)
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    ug_mem_ent_t * e_free;
    ug_mem_ent_t * e_next;
    e_free = ent_get_next(NULL);

    while(1) {
        /*Search the next free entry*/
        while(e_free != NULL) {
            if(e_free->header.s.used != 0) {
                e_free = ent_get_next(e_free);
            else {

        if(e_free == NULL) return;

        /*Joint the following free entries to the free*/
        e_next = ent_get_next(e_free);
        while(e_next != NULL) {
            if(e_next->header.s.used == 0) {
                e_free->header.s.d_size += e_next->header.s.d_size + sizeof(e_next->header);
            else {

            e_next = ent_get_next(e_next);

        if(e_next == NULL) return;

        /*Continue from the lastly checked entry*/
        e_free = e_next;



 * Reallocate a memory with a new size. The old content will be kept.
 * @param data pointer to an allocated memory.
 * Its content will be copied to the new memory block and freed
 * @param new_size the desired new size in byte
 * @return pointer to the new memory
void * ug_mem_realloc(void * data_p, size_t new_size)

#ifdef UG_ARCH_64
    /*Round the size up to 8*/
    new_size = (new_size + 7) & (~0x7);
    /*Round the size up to 4*/
    new_size = (new_size + 3) & (~0x3);

    /*data_p could be previously freed pointer (in this case it is invalid)*/
    if(data_p != NULL) {
        ug_mem_ent_t * e = (ug_mem_ent_t *)((uint8_t *)data_p - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t));
        if(e->header.s.used == 0) {
            data_p = NULL;

    uint32_t old_size = _ug_mem_get_size(data_p);
    if(old_size == new_size) return data_p; /*Also avoid reallocating the same memory*/

#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    /* Truncate the memory if the new size is smaller. */
    if(new_size < old_size) {
        ug_mem_ent_t * e = (ug_mem_ent_t *)((uint8_t *)data_p - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t));
        ent_trunc(e, new_size);
        return &e->first_data;

    void * new_p;
    new_p = ug_mem_alloc(new_size);
    if(new_p == NULL) {
        //UG_LOG_WARN("Couldn't allocate memory");
        return NULL;

    if(data_p != NULL) {
        /*Copy the old data to the new. Use the smaller size*/
        if(old_size != 0) {
            _ug_memcpy(new_p, data_p, UG_MATH_MIN(new_size, old_size));
    return new_p;




File “ug_mem.h”

#ifndef __UG_MEM_H__
#define __UG_MEM_H__

#include <stdint.h>
//#include "UVGUI.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "ug_type.h"
 *      DEFINES
#define UG_MEM_BUF_MAX_NUM    16
 *      TYPEDEFS

 * Heap information structure.
typedef struct {
    uint32_t total_size; /**< Total heap size */
    uint32_t free_cnt;
    uint32_t free_size; /**< Size of available memory */
    uint32_t free_biggest_size;
    uint32_t used_cnt;
    uint32_t max_used; /**< Max size of Heap memory used */
    uint8_t used_pct; /**< Percentage used */
    uint8_t frag_pct; /**< Amount of fragmentation */
} ug_mem_monitor_t;

typedef struct {
    void * p;
    uint16_t size;
    uint8_t used    : 1;
} ug_mem_buf_t;

typedef ug_mem_buf_t ug_mem_buf_arr_t[UG_MEM_BUF_MAX_NUM];
extern ug_mem_buf_arr_t _ug_mem_buf;


 * Initialize the dyn_mem module (work memory and other variables)
void _ug_mem_init(void);

 * Clean up the memory buffer which frees all the allocated memories.
 * @note It work only if `UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0`
void _ug_mem_deinit(void);

 * Allocate a memory dynamically
 * @param size size of the memory to allocate in bytes
 * @return pointer to the allocated memory
void * ug_mem_alloc(size_t size);

 * Free an allocated data
 * @param data pointer to an allocated memory
void ug_mem_free(const void * data);

 * Reallocate a memory with a new size. The old content will be kept.
 * @param data pointer to an allocated memory.
 * Its content will be copied to the new memory block and freed
 * @param new_size the desired new size in byte
 * @return pointer to the new memory
void * ug_mem_realloc(void * data_p, size_t new_size);

 * Join the adjacent free memory blocks
void ug_mem_defrag(void);

 * @return
ug_res_t ug_mem_test(void);

 * Give information about the work memory of dynamic allocation
 * @param mon_p pointer to a dm_mon_p variable,
 *              the result of the analysis will be stored here
void ug_mem_monitor(ug_mem_monitor_t * mon_p);

 * Give the size of an allocated memory
 * @param data pointer to an allocated memory
 * @return the size of data memory in bytes
uint32_t _ug_mem_get_size(const void * data);
 * Get a temporal buffer with the given size.
 * @param size the required size
void * _ug_mem_buf_get(uint32_t size);

 * Release a memory buffer
 * @param p buffer to release
void _ug_mem_buf_release(void * p);

 * Free all memory buffers
void _ug_mem_buf_free_all(void);

//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress

 * Same as `memcpy` but optimized for 4 byte operation.
 * @param dst pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param src pointer to the source buffer
 * @param len number of byte to copy
void * _ug_memcpy(void * dst, const void * src, size_t len);

 * Same as `memcpy` but optimized to copy only a few bytes.
 * @param dst pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param src pointer to the source buffer
 * @param len number of byte to copy
static inline void * _ug_memcpy_small(void * dst, const void * src, size_t len)
    uint8_t * d8 = (uint8_t *)dst;
    const uint8_t * s8 = (const uint8_t *)src;

    while(len) {
        *d8 = *s8;

    return dst;

void _ug_memset_00(void * dst, size_t len);

void _ug_memset(void * dst, uint8_t v, size_t len);

void * _ug_memcpy(void * dst, const void * src, size_t len);
#endif // !__UG_MEM_H__

File “ug_mem.c”

#include "ug_mem.h"
#include "ug_type.h"
#include "ug_math.h"

#include "ug_draw_blend.h"
#include "ug_user_config.h"
#include <string.h>

 *      MACROS

#define COPY32 *d32 = *s32; d32++; s32++;
#define COPY8 *d8 = *s8; d8++; s8++;
#define SET32(x) *d32 = x; d32++;
#define REPEAT8(expr) expr expr expr expr expr expr expr expr

#define ALIGN_MASK  0x3

#ifdef UG_ARCH_64
    #define MEM_UNIT uint64_t
    #define MEM_UNIT uint32_t

    #define UG_MEM_FULL_DEFRAG_CNT 16

 *      Typedef
/*The size of this union must be 4 bytes (uint32_t)*/
typedef union {
    struct {
        MEM_UNIT used : 1;    /* 1: if the entry is used*/
        MEM_UNIT d_size : 31; /* Size off the data (in bytes)*/
    } s;
    MEM_UNIT header; /* The header (used + d_size)*/
} ug_mem_header_t;

typedef struct {
    ug_mem_header_t header;
    uint8_t first_data; /*First data byte in the allocated data (Just for easily create a pointer)*/
} ug_mem_ent_t;

#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    static ug_mem_ent_t * ent_get_next(ug_mem_ent_t * act_e);
    static void * ent_alloc(ug_mem_ent_t * e, size_t size);
    static void ent_trunc(ug_mem_ent_t * e, size_t size);

#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    static uint8_t * work_mem;
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    static uint32_t mem_max_size; /*Tracks the maximum total size of memory ever used from the internal heap*/

static uint32_t zero_mem; /*Give the address of this variable if 0 byte should be allocated*/

    static uint8_t mem_buf1_32[MEM_BUF_SMALL_SIZE];
    static uint8_t mem_buf2_32[MEM_BUF_SMALL_SIZE];

    static ug_mem_buf_t mem_buf_small[] = {
        {.p = mem_buf1_32, .size = MEM_BUF_SMALL_SIZE, .used = 0},
        {.p = mem_buf2_32, .size = MEM_BUF_SMALL_SIZE, .used = 0}


 * Initialize the dyn_mem module (work memory and other variables)
void _ug_mem_init(void)
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    /*Allocate a large array to store the dynamically allocated data*/
    static UG_MEM_ATTR MEM_UNIT work_mem_int[UG_MEM_SIZE / sizeof(MEM_UNIT)];
    work_mem = (uint8_t *)work_mem_int;
    mem_max_size = 0;

    ug_mem_ent_t * full = (ug_mem_ent_t *)work_mem;
    full->header.s.used = 0;
    /*The total mem size id reduced by the first header and the close patterns */
    full->header.s.d_size = UG_MEM_SIZE - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t);

 * Clean up the memory buffer which frees all the allocated memories.
 * @note It work only if `UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0`
void _ug_mem_deinit(void)
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    _ug_memset_00(work_mem, (UG_MEM_SIZE / sizeof(MEM_UNIT)) * sizeof(MEM_UNIT));
    ug_mem_ent_t * full = (ug_mem_ent_t *)work_mem;
    full->header.s.used = 0;
    /*The total mem size id reduced by the first header and the close patterns */
    full->header.s.d_size = UG_MEM_SIZE - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t);

 * Allocate a memory dynamically
 * @param size size of the memory to allocate in bytes
 * @return pointer to the allocated memory
void * ug_mem_alloc(size_t size)
    if(size == 0) {
        return &zero_mem;

#ifdef UG_ARCH_64
    /*Round the size up to 8*/
    size = (size + 7) & (~0x7);
    /*Round the size up to 4*/
    size = (size + 3) & (~0x3);
    void * alloc = NULL;

#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    /*Use the built-in allocators*/
    ug_mem_ent_t * e = NULL;

    /* Search for a appropriate entry*/
    do {
        /* Get the next entry*/
        e = ent_get_next(e);

        /*If there is next entry then try to allocate there*/
        if(e != NULL) {
            alloc = ent_alloc(e, size);
        /* End if there is not next entry OR the alloc. is successful*/
    } while(e != NULL && alloc == NULL);

#endif                /* UG_MEM_CUSTOM */

    if(alloc == NULL) {
        //TODO: LOG("Couldn't allocate memory");
    else {
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
        /* just a safety check, should always be true */
        if((uintptr_t) alloc > (uintptr_t) work_mem) {
            if((((uintptr_t) alloc - (uintptr_t) work_mem) + size) > mem_max_size) {
                mem_max_size = ((uintptr_t) alloc - (uintptr_t) work_mem) + size;

    return alloc;

 * Free an allocated data
 * @param data pointer to an allocated memory
void ug_mem_free(const void * data)
    if(data == &zero_mem) return;
    if(data == NULL) return;

    _ug_memset((void *)data, 0xbb, _ug_mem_get_size(data));

#if UG_ENABLE_GC == 0
    /*e points to the header*/
    ug_mem_ent_t * e = (ug_mem_ent_t *)((uint8_t *)data - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t));
    e->header.s.used = 0;

#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0

    static uint16_t full_defrag_cnt = 0;
    if(full_defrag_cnt < UG_MEM_FULL_DEFRAG_CNT) {
        /* Make a simple defrag.
         * Join the following free entries after this*/
        ug_mem_ent_t * e_next;
        e_next = ent_get_next(e);
        while(e_next != NULL) {
            if(e_next->header.s.used == 0) {
                e->header.s.d_size += e_next->header.s.d_size + sizeof(e->header);
            else {
            e_next = ent_get_next(e_next);
    else {
        full_defrag_cnt = 0;



#else /*Use custom, user defined free function*/
    #if UG_ENABLE_GC == 0
        UG_MEM_CUSTOM_FREE((void *)data);
    #endif /*UG_ENABLE_GC*/

 * Reallocate a memory with a new size. The old content will be kept.
 * @param data pointer to an allocated memory.
 * Its content will be copied to the new memory block and freed
 * @param new_size the desired new size in byte
 * @return pointer to the new memory

#if UG_ENABLE_GC == 0

void * ug_mem_realloc(void * data_p, size_t new_size)

#ifdef UG_ARCH_64
    /*Round the size up to 8*/
    new_size = (new_size + 7) & (~0x7);
    /*Round the size up to 4*/
    new_size = (new_size + 3) & (~0x3);

    /*data_p could be previously freed pointer (in this case it is invalid)*/
    if(data_p != NULL) {
        ug_mem_ent_t * e = (ug_mem_ent_t *)((uint8_t *)data_p - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t));
        if(e->header.s.used == 0) {
            data_p = NULL;

    uint32_t old_size = _ug_mem_get_size(data_p);
    if(old_size == new_size) return data_p; /*Also avoid reallocating the same memory*/

#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    /* Truncate the memory if the new size is smaller. */
    if(new_size < old_size) {
        ug_mem_ent_t * e = (ug_mem_ent_t *)((uint8_t *)data_p - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t));
        ent_trunc(e, new_size);
        return &e->first_data;

    void * new_p;
    new_p = ug_mem_alloc(new_size);
    if(new_p == NULL) {
        //UG_LOG_WARN("Couldn't allocate memory");
        return NULL;

    if(data_p != NULL) {
        /*Copy the old data to the new. Use the smaller size*/
        if(old_size != 0) {
            _ug_memcpy(new_p, data_p, UG_MATH_MIN(new_size, old_size));

    return new_p;

#else /* UG_ENABLE_GC */

void * ug_mem_realloc(void * data_p, size_t new_size)
    void * new_p = UG_MEM_CUSTOM_REALLOC(data_p, new_size);
    if(new_p == NULL) UG_LOG_WARN("Couldn't allocate memory");
    return new_p;

#endif /* ug_enable_gc */

 * Join the adjacent free memory blocks
void ug_mem_defrag(void)
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    ug_mem_ent_t * e_free;
    ug_mem_ent_t * e_next;
    e_free = ent_get_next(NULL);

    while(1) {
        /*Search the next free entry*/
        while(e_free != NULL) {
            if(e_free->header.s.used != 0) {
                e_free = ent_get_next(e_free);
            else {

        if(e_free == NULL) return;

        /*Joint the following free entries to the free*/
        e_next = ent_get_next(e_free);
        while(e_next != NULL) {
            if(e_next->header.s.used == 0) {
                e_free->header.s.d_size += e_next->header.s.d_size + sizeof(e_next->header);
            else {

            e_next = ent_get_next(e_next);

        if(e_next == NULL) return;

        /*Continue from the lastly checked entry*/
        e_free = e_next;

ug_res_t ug_mem_test(void)
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    ug_mem_ent_t * e;
    e = ent_get_next(NULL);
    while(e) {
        if(e->header.s.d_size > UG_MEM_SIZE) {
            return UG_RES_INV;
        uint8_t * e8 = (uint8_t *) e;
        if(e8 + e->header.s.d_size > work_mem + UG_MEM_SIZE) {
            return UG_RES_INV;
        e = ent_get_next(e);
    return UG_RES_OK;

 * Give information about the work memory of dynamic allocation
 * @param mon_p pointer to a dm_mon_p variable,
 *              the result of the analysis will be stored here
void ug_mem_monitor(ug_mem_monitor_t * mon_p)
    /*Init the data*/
    _ug_memset(mon_p, 0, sizeof(ug_mem_monitor_t));
#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
    ug_mem_ent_t * e;
    e = NULL;

    e = ent_get_next(e);

    while(e != NULL) {
        if(e->header.s.used == 0) {
            mon_p->free_size += e->header.s.d_size;
            if(e->header.s.d_size > mon_p->free_biggest_size) {
                mon_p->free_biggest_size = e->header.s.d_size;
        else {

        e = ent_get_next(e);
    mon_p->total_size = UG_MEM_SIZE;
    mon_p->max_used = mem_max_size;
    mon_p->used_pct   = 100 - (100U * mon_p->free_size) / mon_p->total_size;
    if(mon_p->free_size > 0) {
        mon_p->frag_pct   = (uint32_t)mon_p->free_biggest_size * 100U / mon_p->free_size;
        mon_p->frag_pct   = 100 - mon_p->frag_pct;
    else {
        mon_p->frag_pct   = 0; /*no fragmentation if all the RAM is used*/

 * Give the size of an allocated memory
 * @param data pointer to an allocated memory
 * @return the size of data memory in bytes

#if UG_ENABLE_GC == 0

uint32_t _ug_mem_get_size(const void * data)
    if(data == NULL) return 0;
    if(data == &zero_mem) return 0;

    ug_mem_ent_t * e = (ug_mem_ent_t *)((uint8_t *)data - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t));

    return e->header.s.d_size;

#else /* UG_ENABLE_GC */

uint32_t _ug_mem_get_size(const void * data)
    return UG_MEM_CUSTOM_GET_SIZE(data);

#endif /*UG_ENABLE_GC*/

 * Get a temporal buffer with the given size.
 * @param size the required size
void * _ug_mem_buf_get(uint32_t size)
    if(size == 0) return NULL;

    /*Try small static buffers first*/
    uint8_t i;
    if(size <= MEM_BUF_SMALL_SIZE) {
        for(i = 0; i < sizeof(mem_buf_small) / sizeof(mem_buf_small[0]); i++) {
            if(mem_buf_small[i].used == 0) {
                mem_buf_small[i].used = 1;
                return mem_buf_small[i].p;

    /*Try to find a free buffer with suitable size */
    int8_t i_guess = -1;
    for(i = 0; i < UG_MEM_BUF_MAX_NUM; i++) {
        if(UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).used == 0 && UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).size >= size) {
            if(UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).size == size) {
                UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).used = 1;
                return UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).p;
            else if(i_guess < 0) {
                i_guess = i;
            /*If size of `i` is closer to `size` prefer it*/
            else if(UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).size < UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i_guess]).size) {
                i_guess = i;

    if(i_guess >= 0) {
        UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i_guess]).used = 1;
        return UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i_guess]).p;

    /*Reallocate a free buffer*/
    for(i = 0; i < UG_MEM_BUF_MAX_NUM; i++) {
        if(UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).used == 0) {
            UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).used = 1;
            UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).size = size;
            /*if this fails you probably need to increase your UG_MEM_SIZE/heap size*/
            UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).p = ug_mem_realloc(UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).p, size);
            if(UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).p == NULL) {
                UG_DEBUG_ASSERT(false, "Out of memory, can't allocate a new  buffer (increase your UG_MEM_SIZE/heap size", 0x00);
            return  UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).p;

    UG_DEBUG_ASSERT(false, "No free buffer. Increase UG_DRAW_BUF_MAX_NUM.", 0x00);
    return NULL;

 * Release a memory buffer
 * @param p buffer to release
void _ug_mem_buf_release(void * p)
    uint8_t i;

    /*Try small static buffers first*/
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(mem_buf_small) / sizeof(mem_buf_small[0]); i++) {
        if(mem_buf_small[i].p == p) {
            mem_buf_small[i].used = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < UG_MEM_BUF_MAX_NUM; i++) {
        if(UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).p == p) {
            UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).used = 0;

    UG_LOG_ERROR("ug_mem_buf_release: p is not a known buffer")

 * Free all memory buffers

void _ug_mem_buf_free_all(void)
    uint8_t i;
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(mem_buf_small) / sizeof(mem_buf_small[0]); i++) {
        mem_buf_small[i].used = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < UG_MEM_BUF_MAX_NUM; i++) {
        if(UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).p) {
            UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).p = NULL;
            UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).used = 0;
            UG_GC_ROOT(_ug_mem_buf[i]).size = 0;


 * Same as `memset` but optimized for 4 byte operation.
 * `dst` should be word aligned else normal `memcpy` will be used
 * @param dst pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param v value to set [0..255]
 * @param len number of byte to set
void _ug_memset(void * dst, uint8_t v, size_t len)

    uint8_t * d8 = (uint8_t *) dst;

    uintptr_t d_align = (ug_uintptr_t) d8 & ALIGN_MASK;

    /*Make the address aligned*/
    if(d_align) {
        d_align = ALIGN_MASK + 1 - d_align;
        while(d_align && len) {
            *d8 = v;

    uint32_t v32 = v + (v << 8) + (v << 16) + (v << 24);

    uint32_t * d32 = (uint32_t *)d8;

    while(len > 32) {
        len -= 32;

    while(len > 4) {
        len -= 4;

    d8 = (uint8_t *)d32;
    while(len) {
        *d8 = v;

 * Same as `memset(dst, 0x00, len)` but optimized for 4 byte operation.
 * `dst` should be word aligned else normal `memcpy` will be used
 * @param dst pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param len number of byte to set
void _ug_memset_00(void * dst, size_t len)
    uint8_t * d8 = (uint8_t *) dst;
    uintptr_t d_align = (ug_uintptr_t) d8 & ALIGN_MASK;

    /*Make the address aligned*/
    if(d_align) {
        d_align = ALIGN_MASK + 1 - d_align;
        while(d_align && len) {
            *d8 = 0x00;

    uint32_t * d32 = (uint32_t *)d8;
    while(len > 32) {
        len -= 32;

    while(len > 4) {
        len -= 4;

    d8 = (uint8_t *)d32;
    while(len) {
        *d8 = 0;

 * Same as `memcpy` but optimized for 4 byte operation.
 * @param dst pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param src pointer to the source buffer
 * @param len number of byte to copy
void * _ug_memcpy(void * dst, const void * src, size_t len)
    uint8_t * d8 = dst;
    const uint8_t * s8 = src;

    ug_uintptr_t d_align = (ug_uintptr_t)d8 & ALIGN_MASK;
    ug_uintptr_t s_align = (ug_uintptr_t)s8 & ALIGN_MASK;

    /*Byte copy for unaligned memories*/
    if(s_align != d_align) {
        while(len > 32) {
            len -= 32;
        while(len) {
        return dst;

    /*Make the memories aligned*/
    if(d_align) {
        d_align = ALIGN_MASK + 1 - d_align;
        while(d_align && len) {

    uint32_t * d32 = (uint32_t *)d8;
    const uint32_t * s32 = (uint32_t *)s8;
    while(len > 32) {
        len -= 32;

    while(len > 4) {
        len -= 4;

    d8 = (uint8_t *)d32;
    s8 = (const uint8_t *)s32;
    while(len) {

    return dst;

 * Same as `memset(dst, 0xFF, len)` but optimized for 4 byte operation.
 * `dst` should be word aligned else normal `memcpy` will be used
 * @param dst pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param len number of byte to set
void _ug_memset_ff(void * dst, size_t len)
    uint8_t * d8 = (uint8_t *) dst;
    uintptr_t d_align = (ug_uintptr_t) d8 & ALIGN_MASK;

    /*Make the address aligned*/
    if(d_align) {
        d_align = ALIGN_MASK + 1 - d_align;
        while(d_align && len) {
            *d8 = 0xFF;

    uint32_t * d32 = (uint32_t *)d8;
    while(len > 32) {
        len -= 32;

    while(len > 4) {
        len -= 4;

    d8 = (uint8_t *)d32;
    while(len) {
        *d8 = 0xFF;


#if UG_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
 * Give the next entry after 'act_e'
 * @param act_e pointer to an entry
 * @return pointer to an entry after 'act_e'
static ug_mem_ent_t * ent_get_next(ug_mem_ent_t * act_e)
    ug_mem_ent_t * next_e = NULL;

    if(act_e == NULL) { /*NULL means: get the first entry*/
        next_e = (ug_mem_ent_t *)work_mem;
    else {   /*Get the next entry */
        uint8_t * data = &act_e->first_data;
        next_e         = (ug_mem_ent_t *)&data[act_e->header.s.d_size];

        if(&next_e->first_data >= &work_mem[UG_MEM_SIZE]) next_e = NULL;

    return next_e;

 * Try to do the real allocation with a given size
 * @param e try to allocate to this entry
 * @param size size of the new memory in bytes
 * @return pointer to the allocated memory or NULL if not enough memory in the entry
static void * ent_alloc(ug_mem_ent_t * e, size_t size)
    void * alloc = NULL;
    /*If the memory is free and big enough then use it */
    if(e->header.s.used == 0 && e->header.s.d_size >= size) {
        /*Truncate the entry to the desired size */
        ent_trunc(e, size);
        e->header.s.used = 1;

        /*Save the allocated data*/
        alloc = &e->first_data;

    return alloc;

 * Truncate the data of entry to the given size
 * @param e Pointer to an entry
 * @param size new size in bytes
static void ent_trunc(ug_mem_ent_t * e, size_t size)

#ifdef UG_ARCH_64
    /*Round the size up to 8*/
    size = (size + 7) & (~0x7);
    /*Round the size up to 4*/
    size = (size + 3) & (~0x3);

    /*Don't let empty space only for a header without data. 
    if(e->header.s.d_size == size + sizeof(ug_mem_header_t)) {
        size = e->header.s.d_size;

    /* Create the new entry after the current if there is space for it */
    if(e->header.s.d_size != size) {
        uint8_t * e_data             = &e->first_data;
        ug_mem_ent_t * after_new_e   = (ug_mem_ent_t *)&e_data[size];
        after_new_e->header.s.used   = 0;
        after_new_e->header.s.d_size = (uint32_t)e->header.s.d_size - size - sizeof(ug_mem_header_t);

    /* Set the new size for the original entry */
    e->header.s.d_size = (uint32_t)size;


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